I started tracking guitars for the next Hawk Nelson record today... And as usual the floor around me turned into web of chaos... Guitars pedals and amps were strewn about everywhere.
It's been a huge blessing to have a few PRS guitars here with me. They hold tune and intonation incredibly well. They're going to be used a ton on this record. I'm also using a 1980's custom telecaster, an epiphone sheraton, and a few others.
I'm really enjoying the process of this record. Sometimes recording can be stressful... but this time it's been pretty enjoyable. Our producer, Steve, is a good friend of ours, and we're recording in Nashville, so we can spend the nights at home when tracking is done for the day.
Tomorrow i'm bringing my chair from my little home studio.... I want to be COMF while i'm recording!
lol well Ill be praying for yall and that God will be able to speak thu what your doing:) And I would have to say that the mess in that pic looks an awful lot like my room does now!(exept id have guitars it is mostly cloths)lol
yay! i can't wait for the new album!!!! (= i agree with SwissGirl, the mess looks similar to my room haha.
nicee. my room is messier than that right now! hehe.
man, you all are really getting this record done! thats awesome!!
Nice, Can't wait for the next Hawk Nelson album, any idea on when its coming out?
You guys should do another tour like green t. That was no doubt the best tour ever! :D can't wait to hear what the new album sounds like!
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