Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yesterday we tracked acoustic guitars for some of these new hawk songs. They're really coming along. I'm excited for everyone to hear them.

A few months back I got a steal of a deal on this 74 Gibson acoustic, and it sounded great in studio. It was fun to finally get a chance to use it.

This weekend we're hitting Memphis, Little Rock, Orlando, and Atlanta. Hope to see you there!
- Taken at 11:05 AM on February 05, 2009 - iPhone upload by ShoZu


Anonymous said...

Stoked for the record!

Emma Bennet said...

YAH!! ORLANDO FLORIDA!!! MY HOME STATE!!! AND A CITY AN HOUR AWAY FROM MY HOME CITY!!! Im totally excited for the album!!! Justa Let ya know!!! I am going to buy it the day it comes out!!!

Anonymous said...

im so excited for the new albumm! (= cant wait!

Thomas said...

I'm gonna be at atlanta, can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait for the new album! I'm sure it'll be awesome! I don't think you guys could ever put out a bad record! I'm definately interested in any hints you're willing to spill about it!

Anonymous said...

Is that the royer ribbon mic? (i think i remember it because it uses phantom power which is not really common in ribbon mic....) (sp?)
I have been using those mics allot here at school in seattle they sound really 4-7 inches away from the guitar amp gives a really great tone

thats cool that the tracking is going good you should put up a few gear blogs we all love so much it would be coo to see what kind of gear your using in the studio then to here it when it comes out