My family came to visit me while we were in Rochester, NY, this weekend! It was awesome to spend some time with my parents, brother, and brother-in-law.... My brother, Michael, is an incredible photographer, and he took some pictures of the show... Here are the highlights...
If you live in the Ontario area, and would like him to shoot anything for you (weddings, shows, bar mitzfahs, anything!) check out his stuff at

wow! your brother is an AWESOME photographer! great shots!
wow cooooool pics i love em!!!!!
those are amazing pictures! he's an awesome photographer
WOW those are amazing picture!!! he is really talented!
Those pictures are great!
wow! I love those pictures! They are awesome!
he is a good photographer.
and i heard his music, hes pretty good.
what does your tatoo say? haha.
Wow!!!!! Your brother is awesome!! You must come from a VERY TALENTED artistic family!!!!!!!
amazingggg picturesss! (=
I personally like the fourth one the most! It looks awesome just like the rest.
Your brother is an amazing photographer! Haha I live like in the same area as him....I should ask my friend if she would want Mike to shoot for her Bah would be really cool! will he be back in time for cutting edge this Sunday?anwyho I will ask my friend and we should be able to work something out with Mike :)
Cool pictures!
And i Just have to say you're really cool for listening to Midlake, I love them:-) John Mayer is great too. And M83, although I haven't gotten into their CD so much yet, they were incredible live(I saw them opening for The Killers a couple months ago, amazing concert)
Anyways, I think I am going to go get your new songs now, I meant to a long time ago, but then I totally forgot about it.
Awesome pics! You guys are really great role models in Hawk nelson. Thanks!
those are so neat!!
i love your face in some of them! the one where you made a face at the camera, that was funny! :)
LOVE the pictures!!!! Your brother is an amazing photographer... he was sitting in front of us before you guys played and I wish I had a camera like his!
haha I can see the Build A Bear!
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