I used to come to this park quite a bit when I was a kid. I also used to come see my favorite Christian bands play here, so it was kind of special to be playing on that stage with my own band now.

My mother and aunt were there with me, and we spent some time walking around the park. It was interesting to see all the rides that has been renamed since I left. They even renamed one in my honour! At least I'm assuiming it's in my honour.... I mean, I AM the Sledgehammer!

For lunch we went to this pizza joint called Pizza Pizza. Now, I know this photo is lame, and this place doesn't look that special... But it is! They have DIPPING sauces for their pizza..... and if you're an avid reader of the sidelines, then you know... I'm all about the sauces. My favorite in this case is the cheddar jalepeno. Delicious!

Of course, no trip to Canada is complete without a visit to Tim Hortons.... Or, in my case.... Three. Yes, I managed to squeeze in 3 trips to tim hortons in just over 24 hours.... Here is the final breakdown:
3 iced capps
1 boston cream donut
1 maple dip donut (how Canadian)
1 vanilla dip donut with sprinkles
1 cinnamon raisin bagel
I think I may have sinned by eating all that.
However, I did get new running shoes for my birthday (thanks honey!) so I'm going to try and run at least 3 miles a day for the next two weeks. We've got a little time off and I'm determined to put it to good use!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
you know that there are tim hortons in the states, right? i know i've been to some in ohio.
hahaha you might have gotten my comment on your other Canada post, but my friend juss left fur Canada and she ALWAYS visits Tim Horton's an i told her to try an Iced Capp for me and she said it was HEAVEN!!! juss thought id let you know....... :)
3 Tims visits in 24 hours? I didn't even know that was possible. Nice one. But I was at wonderland yesterday, and it was EPIC. But yeah they renamed all the rides because of some lame copyright thing or something. Did you go on Behemoth? Now THAT'S a good ride.
when i was in Canada i also had a few iced capps and maple dip and vanilla dip donuts. they were good! i wish i had a tim horton's closer to me
There is no sin in a sprinkle donut, Jon. (Gen. 6:21, esp. if you take it out of context!) PS - great cdn show!
Hey Jon! Sadly couldnt make it to WonderJam...I went to Wonderland on Friday witha few friends .
I would have loved to have been there though!
Haha when I went...the SledgeHammer was closed :P then again..I really dont like that ride.
Did you and they guys ride Behemoth?!!? I rode ALONE!
Well, glad to hear you all had some fun in Canada..
Take care!
Now I want to ride that.
have fun running =-]
you're too cute jon.
Hey Jon,
It Kjl120491 from the sidelines chat and we are hoping you will get on soon. We hope we didnt freak you out or anything and I know this has nothing to do with this blog. But we just hope u come on soon and chat with us..there hasnt been any creepers in a while =].
sledgehammer nice! i want to go to tim hortons so bad...
pizza pizza, my favorite place in the world!
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