Anyways, as I arrived so did the COLD WEATHER. It was down to about 10 degrees (Fahrenheit). The cold was sharp like knives. Of course, this kind of weather isn't exactly uncommon here... it's just that I'm not accustomed to it anymore! The last couple Christmases I spent here were unusually mild, so it's been nearly 5 years since I've felt this kind of Canadian deep freeze.

I, of course, was not dressed for cold weather at all. I had gone through all my clothes at home before I left, and couldn't really find any warm clothes. In the end I gave up, and threw on my chucks (terrible winter shoes), and my hoodie/jacket combo. Not Warm.

Yesterday I walked up to my brother's house from my parent's. For that trek, I gave up and put on some real boots!

It's been a great trip, albeit short. I'm boxing up my dad's study right now. He needs to start printing out library cards and charging for access to his stash. I say this sincerely... I think he has more books than my Spring Hill Library.
The band has a few weeks off right now, and I'm gonna make the most of it. We hit the road again at the end of the month... and it's gonna be busy busy til May. I'm looking forward to a tour with tobyMac in Jan/Feb/March, and a tour with Mercy Me in March/April! Hope to see you there!
11 comments: kinda sound like the Everlife gang. They were all complaining they were cold when they were here this weekend. I was freezing toes were iciles when I got in to the venue. You guys need to come to WI on the Mercy Me tour.
hahah it looks like that in minnesota also! but its not 10 degrees. 17 where i am right now. haha.
oh yeah, oviously terrible winter shoes, chucks.. freezing! hahaa.
yes i will probably see you on one of those tours. perhaps the mercyme tour. if you come to my state. hahah.
woah, that's cold. i hate cold weather. a lot. luckily, it's not that cold here.
can't wait for winterjam!!!! i hope to see you with mercyme too. my mom loves them, so i might be able to come to a few if you're anywhere near.
Wow!! It does look extremely cold there! I feel bad for you haha its been in like the 70s here in Georgia today!
I wish I had snow like that! It's cold but were on the wrong side of the mountain for all the snow... I hope I can make those tours...
yea it's been cold in KY too. not NEARLY as cold as Canada though hehe.
thats a bummer that chucks are bad winter shoes because they are pretty much the only shoes i have. probably not a great choice for winter i guess........
it was like 70 here today!!! it's so wierd!!!
Wow, that's cold! my cousin lives in Canada, and I was up there for New year's '07. It was just like that!
see ya in January in Cleveland!
Im seeing you guys in March :D.
makes me happy..
and wow.. it looks freezing there.
it looks like Canada is gonna have a White Christmas.
Luckie for them :)
i can see what you mean about chucks not being good winter shoes. it was REALLY cold outside last night, and i was freezing! my feet were really cold.
I haven't checked this blog for a while but I decided to tonight! It's kinda funny about the chucks thing because last night I went to Winter Jam in St. Louis and we got there at 3:30 so we had to wait outside for an hour and a half! I was wearing chucks! My feet hurt soo bad I about died! My friend and I were like, "If it were any band beside Hawk Nelson, we would not be out here right now!" Also we didn't even get good seats! They were really high up, yet it was the best night ever. My pastor went backstage and gave Dan a note from me and my friend. It had our numbers in it and said that we were the girls that made the scrapbook for you guys! I guess Dan was like "Yeah, the girls who made that big scrabook?" And so when he came back and told us we about cried. The whole night we were like "Hawk Nelson remembered us!" Then we went down on the floor when you performed and we waited for you guys to come sign after The Afters. Dan was telling us about how he remembered the book and how he still had it! It was such a great night! Oh and Jon, I hope you got to see the book. I emailed you about it awhile back.
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