Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Under The Canopy available on iTunes!

Hey Guys!

I'm excited to tell you that my new record "Under The Canopy" is now available on iTunes! You can search for "jonathan steingard" in the iTunes window, or you can click HERE or on the image below!

Under The Canopy on iTunes

Thanks to everyone that has purchased the record so far... I hope this makes the record even easier for you to come by. Thank you!!!

OH, and feel free to review it on iTunes! The page is looking a little bare without some reviews!



Anonymous said...

awesome! i've been waiting for that

Rachel Joy said...

Dude!!! That's fantastic!!! now I can actually buy it!!! SWEEEEEET!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! I bought it lastnight!!!!

Emma Bennet said...

AWESOME!!!! Ive been wanting to buy that!


Anonymous said...

yay!! im listening to it right now - that made it so much easier!! =)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Now I can get it!