Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gear Addicts Unite

So I've been told that I'm a nerd... that I'm never satisfied... and that I'm obsessive... but I love guitar gear. You can tell from the paragraphs and paragraphs I write in the "gear" section of this page.

While recording these new Hawk songs, I got to use an old Marshall Super Lead.... and now I want one. Haha. Surprise Surprise. So, in order to get one, I'm selling a few things.... and I thought I'd post them on here, since I've never done that before.

I'm selling an Epiphone Sheraton.... which I actually used quite a bit on this latest Hawk record, due out in July.... particularly on a song called "Shaken", which is shaping up to be one of our favorites.

Click here, or on the picture above, to check out the Ebay Auction.

And I'm selling a Shure Sm7b microphone... which I used for almost all the vocals on my "Under The Canopy" record.

Click here, or on the picture above, to check out the Ebay Auction.

I'm starting both these auctions out at 99 cents.... so they go to the highest bidder!
Just thought it would be fun to post these on here, in case anyone was interested!



Jenny said...

haha starting at 99 cents?
what if you only got four dollars? haha

Jenny said...

those links don't work

jonathan said...

good save jenny! thanks!

Anonymous said...

haha i want that guitar! i would buy it if i had any money. maybe i could get it for 4 bucks like jenny said....

Thomas said...

Hey Jonathan that's really cool. I was going to buy a mic just like that for the band I'm in.... if it wasn't so expensive, I'd buy it......

Anonymous said...

99 cents! that's great! i have 20 dollars let over from christmas money! and a target giftcard. haha. i'm frugal.. hahahaha!

Flash said...

Wow. I would really like to get the guitar but.....its currently $200.

Anonymous said...

PERFECT! I am looking for a second guitar...preferably an acoustic but I have got to say the one u are selling caught my eye...hmm its really pretty...and it was played by u...Ill have to see..although it does end in four days...anyways it looks great, its in good shape and its awesome! I was looking at seagull guitars..for an acoustic but I really dislike the headstock on seagulls...well Ill have to see about getting your guitar but its def a great guitar!

Anonymous said...

those are some purty high bids! hehe

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, the mic was bidding for more than the guitar. XD I keep bugging my mom about the guitar, but I don't think she'll get it for me, so I'm off to bug my grandfather!!!!! Toodaloo!!!!

jonathan said...

i hope your grandfather doesn't get mad at you!

Anonymous said...

new album in JULY??? i'm so psyched now :D
Love you guys!