Sunday, February 8, 2009

If you must lose....

Lose to metallica.


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Anonymous said...

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! You lost?! I'm so sorry! I was so hoping you would win! I wanted to see you guys all dressed up on the red carpet... This ruined my day.

Anonymous said...

man that stinks!! hopefully another time............

Anonymous said...

NOw I'm really upset! Tho kind of confused. I forgot about the time difference.

ChrisBCrazy said...

LOL this blog makes me laugh a lot. better luck next time.

Katy said...

But.. what an honor to be nominated. You will get it next year!

Anonymous said...

wait, what? they haven't started yet, have they? aren't they live? you just mean that if you do lose, you hope you lose to metallica, and not one of the other bands, right? i'm confused

Anonymous said...

oh, i see. they announced it earlier! duh. it is really awesome that you were nominated though. and against metallica. that's pretty cool

Rachel Joy said...

When I told my dad, he was like, "Wow! Even to have been up against Metallica!!! That's pretty insane!!! Good or them!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you guys lost....I just found out this morning cause I had youth last night..meaning no grammys but anywho have a great day!