Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Levels and Lattes

This morning Tilly woke me up early. She jumped up on the bed and looked at me like she really needed something. I said..... Potty? She jumped off the bed and ran to the door.... This is clearly what she needed. I do remember giving her 3 bowls of water last night, and I guess all that water has to go somewhere...

After her shenanigans, I decided to stay up and work on a few mixes I've been tweaking. I recently produced a song for my cousin Matt, and another for a girl named Jessica Lynn Verner... and I've been putting the finishing touches on some mixes.

Mixing is a lot better with a latte in hand. My parents and my brother bought Jess and I an espresso machine for Christmas and I've been using it every day I'm home. I hardly ever go to starbucks anymore, and when I do, I'm way more picky about how they make the drinks.

For some reason I felt compelled to blog about all of this....

Anyways... Perhaps I'll show you all these songs.... Soon.
- Taken at 8:51 AM on February 04, 2009 - iPhone upload by ShoZu


Anonymous said...

Forget the songs. Let's see some videos of that espresso machine in action!

Emma Bennet said...

I love coffee! I am also very picky on how my drinks are made at Starbucks! I hate it when they don't taste right! Then again I am always teased cause my orders I like a foot long! Ok not that long but you get the point

Anonymous said...

I love Starbucks. It's the Fraps are the best!

Anonymous said...

hahaha shenanigans. (= i definetly want to see that espresso machine in action! hahah.

Emily said...

tilly looks like my dog. Anyway i want an espresso machine!!! your lucky my brother thought it was funny to buy me socks!!

Anonymous said...
