Thursday, March 26, 2009

Uh Oh Spaghetti-Oh

This is never a good sign.

Tonight I had some pedal-board issues during the show..... something wasn't working right, and I didn't know what it was exactly. So, I spent most of the first song pulling pedals off my board, trying to find the offending pedal or cable. Not much luck. Eventually I just plugged in and out of my overdrive. No volume pedal. No tuner. Not a perfect world.

When the time came for the slower songs, I needed a delay... so I grabbed one and patched it in...

Again, not a perfect world.


Jenny said...

pedal power

Anonymous said...

haha its ok...I dont even know how to plug my guitar into an amp! Its ok Jon :P

AlotlikeKARA said...

aww ;/
man that frikkin sucks.. gosh
Hope you get it fixed. but like you said not a perfect world.

oh and hey Jon.. Today is My birthday ;D.. hmm..

jon schneck said...

i guess youll just have to dot your own eighth...


Emma Bennet said...

aww sorry bou that

Anonymous said...

That stinks...
But Jon Schneck's comment made me laugh. :)

graciegirl said...

ouch. thats not good!

Ida said...

that stinks!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the show and totally saw fideling with your pedals. don't worry, you guys still rocked it and I was enjoying ya from the front row. Hope you got it all fixed for an easier time in the future.