The chatroll thing is supposed to be a way people can get together and have fun chatting. If you're on here, pretending to be someone you're not, that may be fun for you... but it's not for everyone else.
I don't know who's pretending to be who, and I'm not gonna bother trying to figure that out... But I do remember someone pretending to be Jason when he was standing right next to me, so I know some people are full of it.
If this kind of thing keeps happening, then I'll most likely just shut the chat down entirely... so unless you want to ruin it for everyone.... Let's cut it out, shall we?

thank ya for addressin this Jon :)
i remeber that! that was strange..
ppl are so lame. oh well.
that musta given jason a good laugh xD hahaa
lol I think ppl have too much time on there hands if they are doing that:)
yes, thank you very much for adressing this. that was getting really annoying
THANK YOU JON!!!!!!!!! People needed to hear this!
hey I was one of those people that was pretending to be Jason Dunn, and I'm sorry about that. I did it a long time ago, and i realize that it was stupid, so sorry, and I did it a while ago. won't happen anymore, sorry that it did
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